Another water main breaks in Hoboken

HOBOKEN – The city that frequently floods during heavy rains is flooding these days for another reason. It’s having a hard time keeping its water supply below ground.
Over the weekend a major gusher erupted at 12th and Washington streets and several buildings lost water service.
This morning about 3 a.m. another water main erupted on Jefferson Street between 8th and 9th streets, according to the city website. Although a United Water repair crew is on the scene the break is not expected to be fixed until later today.
800, 816 and 818 Jefferson Street and 501 9th St are without water service.
A water truck was requested and is located in front of 800 Jefferson St. at the corner of 8th Street. Residents needing water may bring their own containers to the truck. Additional updates will be posted to the city website as they become available.

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