Mike Lenz says thank you, congratulates Tim Occhipinti

Dear Editor:
For the past year, I’ve had the privilege and honor of serving Hoboken’s Fourth Ward on the City Council. I’ve loved almost every minute of it. I thank Mayor Zimmer and my Council colleagues for giving me that opportunity and their support and for making this year so productive. From adopting two honest fully-funded budgets, to reducing taxes without police layoffs and with increased patrols, to addressing flooding, to reining in overdevelopment and laying the groundwork for a long overdue southwest park, Hoboken is finally on the right track. These improvements were marked by the end of state monitoring in the spring and recently by the full restoration of local control. I am grateful and proud of the part I was able to play in making these good things happen.
I must also express my extraordinary gratitude to the many friends, neighbors, and supporters from across Hoboken who were by my side in the recent campaign, and to the many voters who responded to our positive message. Starting with my wife Laura, and my three sons Jonny, Tim, and Ben, the outpouring of good advice, affection, positive energy, and plain old hard work was humbling and kept me going beyond anything I have ever experienced. Thank you to all –- you know who you are.
As to my opponent in the race, Tim Occhipinti, I repeat my sincere congratulations on a race hard fought and on your victory. Throughout the campaign you were personally gracious to me and I appreciate that. As I said at the debate, I give you credit for being a tough campaigner. Now your job, Tim, gets even harder. I wish you, all the best with it. I wish you well in the coming months and will make myself available to aid you, in any manner you may see fit, to make Hoboken the best place it can be.

Councilman Michael Lenz

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