To the Editor:
I want to take this opportunity to give a special thank you to everyone who supported me in the Miss NJ USA 2011 Pageant. Although I did not bring the crown home to Bayonne, I realize I am still a winner in my heart. I cannot express in words the experience I encountered the entire weekend while competing. I not only met a ton of beautiful girls from all over the state who I now consider friends, but I was also able to learn a lot about following your dreams.
Ever since I was a young girl, I always knew I wanted to participate in a pageant. I have set many goals and currently am fulfilling them in the middle of this wonderful journey called life. Being in the Miss NJ USA Pageant was one of those goals I can now check off my list. I put my best foot forward and accomplished the experience. I am determined to continue to follow through with all the goals I set for myself, because through all the ups and downs that pop up within my life, because, through it all, I know never to give up on my dreams. As a teacher, I am always inspiring my teenage students to shoot for the stars because anything you put your mind to is possible, so even I will take my own advice and see the sky is the limit!
To my sponsors, the truth is without you my experience could not have been possible. Mayor Mark Smith and family, Mom, Grandma Victoria, Aunt Chick and Uncle Joe, Uncle John and family, Sicco family, “Romey” Palmiero and family, Ginger Kemp and staff of Four Seasons Travel, Spa-Lash, Jeffrey Farley, Workers of Ironbound Intermodal, Gerry Larino, Wael Hanna, David Solari, Carol Manzi and family, Sangee family, and Marianne Greiman. I thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity.
To those who helps prepare my beauty before I departed Bayonne, Nan from Nuance by Nan Cosmetics, Donna from Jon Anthony Salon, and Patty Dombrowski from Spa-Lash. Your services were much appreciated.
Finally, to my supporters who came to the Hilton in Parsippany to witness the shows with me, “my hero” Mom, Danielle, Patricia, Tagliareni family, De Chairo family, Wael, Terry, Pammy, Viola, Marianne Greiman and my St. Andrew’s Parish Contemporary Choir Girls! Hearing you all root me on in the crowd made me want to stand in the spotlight even longer! To my sister, Danielle, once again a fantastic job was done on your part with the photo taking; now I can for sure treasure the memories forever. Go girl!
As I recognize my true potential and continue to accomplish each one of the rewards life throws my way, I can say that I am already looking forward to competing next year from Miss NJ 2012! Always remember, if you believe in yourself, you will succeed. I love you all!