NJ Transit ready to take on overflow due to strike

SECAUCUS AND BEYOND – Thousands of mass transit users, including many in Secaucus, were forced to find alternative routes to and from work today after drivers, mechanics, and other DeCamp Bus Line workers went out on strike Thursday at 5 a.m. Bus lines between New Jersey and New York were among those affected by the strike.
With many DeCamp riders turning to NJ Transit for transportation alternatives, NJ Transit spokesman Dan Stessel, said Thursday, “We’re monitoring very closely what the travel patterns are. But to the extent that we’ve got DeCamp customers seeking alternate service, it’s been very well distributed. None of our services have been overwhelmed and we haven’t had any problems providing service with our existing schedules.”
From Secaucus, NJ Transit offers three bus routes – the 122, the 124, and the 129 – into New York City.
The strike is expected to continue on Friday.
Stessel noted that ridership this week is light due to the upcoming Labor Day holiday weekend.
“If the strike were to go on through the weekend and into next week, we would continue to monitor it to see if we need to add additional service. We have some limited ability to drop in a handful of addition bus trips if need be. So far, that hasn’t been necessary.”
NJ Transit is not cross honoring tickets and passes from DeCamp, according to the agency’s website.
DeCamp workers are fighting possible wage caps and a freeze in pension benefits, according to their union, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1317. – E Assata Wright

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