Disappointed in Stack

Dear Editor:
Several weeks ago the North Hudson Reporter ran a story titled “Fierce competition surrounds jitney buses; frequent violations may put riders in danger” I was glad to see the Reporter cover this story and shed some light on a dangerous situation.
However, as a former Union City resident and an avid reader of the North Hudson Reporter, I am outraged and appalled by the recent comments of Union City Mayor Brian Stack alleging that the recent mini bus inspections conducted by the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office and the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission were discriminatory in nature. What basis does Mayor Stack have in making such a preposterous and inflammatory statement?
Mayor Stack’s irresponsible statement shows his lack of understanding of the law and what is needed to maintain the safety of Hudson County residents. To compare New Jersey Transit to a bunch of independent mini bus drivers is absurd. New Jersey Transit is a highly regulated State agency with their own internal safety standards to protect the public. If the Hudson County Prosecutor and the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission did not conduct mini bus inspections, these unsafe vehicles would pose a serious threat to the public.
Once again Brian Stack has shown that he will say or do anything to gain a headline. To allege discrimination does nothing but inflame the relationship between law enforcement and the community. Shame on you Brian Stack.

Joanne Calzaretta
Former Union City resident

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