Fulop: Jersey City business adminstrator must leave post if he keeps other jobs

JERSEY CITY — City Councilman Steven Fulop sent a letter Monday to City Hall calling for Mayor Jerramiah Healy to fire the city’s business adminstrator Jack Kelly.
Kelly was hired by the city in May to replace outgoing business adminstrator Brian O’Reilly, who remained in a part-time post with the city until he officially retired last month.
Fulop said in the letter that Kelly “has remained as an employee at the City of Orange Township, in addition to serving as Business Administrator to Jersey City, and in addition to serving as tax assessor for two smaller townships.”
Kelly has retained part-time jobs as joint municipal tax assessor of Essex Fells and Caldwell Borough. But Fulop in his letter said Kelly has been in his Jersey City job for several months and there “would be no acceptable excuse if indeed he is still an employee of Orange in any capacity.”
Fulop explained in the letter that he saw Kelly’s name on the town of Orange’s website and then followed up with a call to their Town Hall, where it was confirmed that Kelly still worked for the town.
Mayor Jerramiah Healy said in a statement that Kelly’s position in Orange is “part-time and temporary in nature and consists of transitioning a new CFO there as needed.”
Healy added: “Considering the fiscal crisis that this city and all others around the nation are in, it is a privilege to have him here.” – RK

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