Firefighters poll generates nearly 1,000 votes, more conversation

Last week, the Hudson Reporter debuted unofficial polls related to their on-line stories, including the story about the investigation into an incident of alleged gay harassment in Secaucus. The poll asked whether three volunteer firefighters who were implicated in the incident should be reinstated.
As of Thursday morning, 997 votes had voted in the popular poll. But what was the final result?
Check out the numbers at at the end of the story under “Secaucus News.”
Polls will continue to be added to Reporter articles covering hot topics, so be sure to check out our website every week to give your vote and voice your opinions!

While we’re on the subject…

In reading through the on-line responses to “Harassment probe interviews ex-firemen” (Aug. 15, 2010), there seemed to be some questions about the story.
One question was about whether Garden State Equality President Steven Goldstein was called by the town’s investigator. It turns out Goldstein was away the week investigator Edward DePascale tried to contact him. DePascale said he called several times the week of Aug. 9, but did not get a response, probably because Goldstein was away. In addition to calling Goldstein, DePascale also sent a letter to Goldstein, which was sent as the Reporter went to press.
One reader asked whether all three firefighters had been interviewed. In a phone interview, DePascale said, “I believe” all three of the firefighters had been. The Reporter spoke to DePascale on Aug. 16 while he was driving in his car, when he did not have his notes available, and he answered questions from memory.
For those who asked why Goldstein is being interviewed in the first place – after all, he’s not a resident, and wasn’t involved in the 2004 incident involving former residents Peter DeVries and Timothy Carter – he is being interviewed to help give context to the investigation.

Help support the Class of 2011

The Secaucus High School Class of 2011 is asking the community to support the many fundraisers the class plans to hold throughout the upcoming school year. One of the biggest fundraisers will be its Heart of a Champion “tricky tray.” Proceeds for the event will help pay for or will defray the cost of the senior yearbook, caps, gowns, and other senior student needs.
Class advisors Keith Schneider and Amanda Jones are asking the community for monetary donations of any size. Donations are tax deductible. Anyone interested in making a donation is asked to call SHS at (201) 974-2033.

Blood drive to be held Sept. 4

The Knights of Columbus Council 12769 will hold a blood drive on Saturday, Sept. 4 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 760 Post Place in Secaucus.
Blood will be in great demand over the Labor Day weekend. If you are 17 years or older and in good health, please come out and donate. Those who donate will receive a $10 gift card to Applebee’s.
To schedule a time to give, please call Neal at (201) 223-7967 or e-mail him at

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