Hoboken bloggers behaving badly…or weirdly

HOBOKEN — Here’s the beginning of a joke. It has three characters:
-A Hoboken webmaster whose blog often criticizes the Zimmer administration,
-A local political blogger whose blog often buoys the Zimmer administration and criticizes the aforementioned webmaster,
-And Mayor Zimmer’s communications director.
Let’s say they all bump into each other on Washington Street. Who interviews whom?
Well, on Saturday, they actually did all bump into each other on Washington Street, and a somewhat tense exchange apparently ensued, involving at least one four-letter word. The encounter was written up on a blog Sunday here. If you like Hoboken political gossip, read on.
Meanwhile, a police complaint has apparently been settled between a different blogger whose blog is often pro-Zimmer — known as Roman Brice or the “Hoboken Horse” — and Lane Bajardi, a fan of Zimmer rival Councilwoman Beth Mason. After Brice had filed his complaint, Bajardi had filed a countercomplaint against Brice. The complaints were related to an incident at a Hoboken Board of Education forum in April in which Brice alleged that Bajardi grabbed his camera.
Still following this? Well, you can read about the settlement here, and check out its history in past links below.

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