Don’t feel bad for Cammarano

Dear Editor:
The statements made by Cammarano’s attorney are laughable and I find it amazing that he had the gall to conjure up images of a politician who had no idea that what he was doing was illegal. And to top it off, he pulls the tried-and-true “victim” card by saying that these actions were because of a difficult childhood? This is the kind of excuse-making that riles ordinary folks who work hard and are told to play by the rules. Those rules should apply to everyone (that includes you, police officers who talk on cell-phones while giving us tickets).
If Peter Cammarano is unemployed, going to prison, separated from his child and having an overall tough time right now, that’s because he’s a criminal, and that’s what happens to criminals. It’s just like the Baretta theme song, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

Tim de Valroger

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