Change of plans: JC’s top lawyer will stay on in City Hall until end of year

JERSEY CITY – Jersey City Corporation counsel Bill Matsikoudis has changed his plans to leave his post this summer and will continue working there until the end of the year.
The Jersey City Reporter reported back in June that Matsikoudis was to leave the job at the end of July. Matsikoudis said in June that he wanted to travel and was looking at employment at a private law firm.
Rumors said that he was stepping down to seek political office.
But Mayor Jerramiah Healy on Friday issued a statement about Matsikoudis as follows:
“After a discussion of the many issues facing the city such as the shrinking of government, the consolidation of city services, the ongoing remediation of Garfield Avenue and other chromium sites, the relocation of the DPW/JCIA, the clean-up of the PJP landfill and its conversion to a park, and the development of Bayfront, Bill Matsikoudis has agreed to stay on as Corporation Counsel until at least the end of this calendar year. I am pleased that we will be able to continue to work together on these important issues during this critical juncture for the city.” – RK

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