It’s official: JC furloughs start on Sept. 3

JERSEY CITY AND BEYOND — Furloughs for Jersey City government employees will start on Sept. 3.
Employees received an official notice letter on Friday from the city’s business administrator, John “Jack” Kelly.
A letter and accompanying memo about the furloughs (an unpaid day off), obtained by the Jersey City Reporter, outlines that the 12 furlough days will start in September and end in June 2011. It also advises that employees can appeal the furlough if they felt the city did not act in “good faith” in inplementing the furloughs.
This policy is a continuation from last year’s controversial furlough action by the city to save money to deal with a $40 million-plus budget deficit, made worse by cuts in state aid. Employees criticized the furloughs since it was followed by layoffs of temporary and seasonal workers in February.
There are different furlough dates for the upcoming furlough schedule depending on the city departments. Those dates are also when the 10 city departments are closed for business.
Furlough dates for Recreation: Sept. 3, Oct.12 and 25, Nov. 15, Dec. 23, Jan. 14, Feb. 14, Mar. 18, Apr. 1 and 25, May 27 and June 20. Law and Municipal Courts: Sept. 3, Oct. 8 and 29, Nov. 12, Dec. 23, Jan. 14, Feb. 18, Mar. 18, Apr. 1 and 29, May 27 and June 17.
And the remaining city departments: Sept. 3, Oct. 8 and 25, Nov. 12, Dec. 23, Jan. 14, Feb. 14, Mar. 18, Apr. 1 and 25, May 27 and June 20. – RK

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