Thank you for your support

Dear Editor:
We would like to thank Mayor Richard Turner, Jim Marchetti, Phil Greco and Carmela Ehert for their kind expressions of sympathy at the loss of our family member. It was especially caring of them to go out of their way to make an appearance at the funeral home that was not in this area but in another county. I might also add it was also 90 degrees outside and a trip for them to come for our sake.
My husband’s family was so taken by the appearance of our Mayor, Town Council Members and Library Director that they stated that in the town where they live things such as this do not occur. It made them feel very special. We explained that ours is a very caring Mayor, Members of the Town Council & Library Director who extend themselves to us at all costs and are considered our friends as well. We thank them whole heartedly for supporting us during our time of grief and commend them for extending themselves to our family and making them feel so very important.

Florence, Joseph & Kayte Brancaccio

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