Hoboken High School Junior Prep Day

Dear Editor:
As with most of the experiences I have had over the years in volunteering within Hoboken’s public school system, I have found that the misperceptions spoken about outside the schools quickly dissolve when spending time within the public schools. The juniors I met at Junior Prep Day at Hoboken High School last month each had distinct successes to share as they interacted with each of the adult volunteers. Most of those successes were academic, but many went beyond just academic. One young lady I met was a perpetual honor student, who played multiple instruments and multiple sports. She also committed civically by volunteering as a tutor and at the local animal shelter. She did all of this while working part-time jobs since turning 16. This one young lady was representative of the young, talented students I met throughout the day and representative of many of the students at Hoboken High School.
My sincere thanks to Cecilia D’Elia for making this day a real opportunity to learn; not just for the students to learn but for the adult volunteers as well. It is a reminder to all of us of the significant benefits volunteering within the schools can reap.

Anthony Oland

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