Divisions among Hoboken Democrats are unfortunate

Dear Editor:
Monday night, the newly-elected members of the Hoboken Democratic Committee met at the Reorganization Meeting to elect our Executive Committee. I was honored to be re-elected by my constituents to serve a fourth year as Democratic Committeeman and Monday night I was proud to be selected by the Committee’s members to serve again as a Vice Chair of the Hoboken Democratic Party. I congratulate all of the members of the Committee for their victories and thank them for volunteering their time to serve and grow the Hoboken Democratic Party.
Prior to the meeting, I received a letter from Ines Garcia-Keim seeking my support for Committee Chairperson. In her letter, she stated, “I ask that you look at the outstanding group of people that emerged victorious to see our brothers and sisters willing to work together. We must unite by rejecting the culture of hate.” I agree with those sentiments 100 percent.
Monday night, the contested election for Committee Chair was held, and Councilman Ravi Bhalla was elected Chair over Ms. Garcia-Keim by a vote of 38-27. Next, I was elected along with six other committee people to serve on the Committee’s Executive Committee. Then, a contested election for Committee Treasurer was held and Gary Holtzman was elected Treasurer over Ms. Garcia-Keim by a vote of 39-26. By the time Chairman Bhalla made a motion to elect Mayor Zimmer as Honorary Chair of the Democratic Committee, Michele Russo and most members of the column C line decided to get up and leave the meeting before it was adjourned. To their credit, certain members of Column C, like Ricky Mason, a Committeeman and Councilwoman Beth Mason’s husband, and Mr. Mason’s running mate, Committeewoman Gretchen Brigden, remained at the meeting after its conclusion to speak with and congratulate the winners and recognize our Honorary Chair, Mayor Zimmer, who Chairman Bhalla announced would be stopping by.
I call on all Hoboken Democrats and all those who were elected to represent them to consider the wisdom contained in Ms. Garcia-Keim’s letter. For Democratic Committee people to walk out of our Annual Reorganization Meeting before the meeting adjourned is unfortunate and contrary to what we need to do to be successful as a Democratic Party in Hoboken. We Democrats must take Ms Garcia-Keim’s words to heart and work together to build and grow the Hoboken Democratic Party.

Phil Cohen
First Vice Chair
Hoboken Democratic Party

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