Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Dear Editor:
My family and I would like to take this opportunity, to thank all our loving relatives for their unlimited solid support and comfort, during our bereavement of my Mom, Julia Frasca. Especially to our true loyal close friends, who lifted us up, came to our side, and were there for us, throughout this nightmarish time of sadness.
This recognition must also be extended to the following.
Our parish, Lady of Victories, Roman Catholic Church, Jersey City, Pastor Victor Paloma and Father Christopher Panlilio.
Manager Louis Squiteri of the Greenville Memorial Home, joined together with his dedicated proficient staff, was very compassionate and sensitive to all our needs. They made a difficult time a little more tolerable, which was a great asset and comfort.
Council President Peter Brennan and the City Council on having a moment of silence, in her honor, at their meeting.
The Fulton Avenue, maintenance crew, of PSE&G, for their respect, understanding and kindness, towards our family, by temporarily stopping repairs in front of our home.
The Hudson/Jersey City Reporter, what can we say, you’re the best.
A special thanks to the Jersey City Police Department, recognizing Police Officers Michael Dillon, South Precinct and Richard Piccillo, West Precinct, together with their Supervisors.
We are also extending our warm wholehearted appreciation towards the two professional, sympathetic police officers, from the South Precinct that provided the funeral escort. We will be forever grateful.
Anyone who believes or thinks that Jersey City’s Finest doesn’t give a hundred percent back or cares for the community, must have their heads in the sand.
Everyone that contributed big or small in consoling our grief and gave us strength, please accept our sincere thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

William P., Lorraine,
Julianna, Angelica Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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