Public Safety Director under fire for pension

HOBOKEN — Public Safety Director Angel Alicea is being accused of alleged illegal pension maneuvering by a Hoboken police lieutenant. Lt. Mark Competello has issued a complaint to Police Chief Anthony P. Falco Sr., alleging that Alicea “appears to be in violation of state administrative law, pertaining to both his pension and appointment to his current position.”
Alicea was appointed to his position on July 22, 2009. Competello’s complaint says “at that time Director Alicea was an active sworn law enforcement officer with the Union City Police Department.” Competello charges that according to state law, “Alicea was required to be retired not less than six months in order to legally accept the position of Director of Public Safety.”
Competello also charges that New Jersey Division of Pensions/Police and Fireman’s Retirement System documents list Alicea of Union City being approved for a Special Retirement effective February 1, 2010. “This clearly indicates that Director Alicea is in violation of state administrative and/or pension law and according to the PFRS rules must reenroll in the PFRS, and possibly refund the pension for the improper time he served in a dual capacity as a law enforcement officer with Union City PD and a civilian Director of Public Safety for the City of Hoboken.”
Competello is requesting that his allegations be referred to “either the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office or the State Attorney General’s office for an independent determination if Director Alicia’s [allegedly] unethical behavior and actions pertaining to this issue constitute Criminal Misconduct or pension fraud.”
Alicea did not return calls for comment.-TJC

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