Get real, John Bredin

Dear Editor:
In his May 9 letter to the editor, John Bredin makes many claims and assertions that are so outrageous it’s difficult to know where to begin to set the record straight. In the interest of brevity we’ll simply disabuse him of the notion that Ronald Reagan “rode into the White House on a patently racist southern strategy”. Mr. Bredin is in need of a history lesson and as good neighbors we’re happy to provide one.
In 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected our 40th President with a very strong showing not only in the South (carrying every state but Jimmy Carter’s Georgia) but also throughout the country (carrying 44 of 50 states). The Gipper and his policies proved so popular he was re-elected in a 49 state coast-to-coast sweep. Ronald Reagan believed America was a strong country and he governed that way. Americans responded to his leadership by electing and re-electing him to two landslide victories delivered by voters in every region of the country. Indeed, by 1984, Hudson County was solid Reagan Country. He carried the county 109,615 – 91,109 (11/14/84 Hoboken Reporter).
Many Hobokenites fondly remember President Reagan’s visit to Hoboken with Frank Sinatra at the St. Ann’s festival during the campaign that year.
If Mr. Bredin wishes to engage in fictitious and revisionist history that is his loss. The facts do not support his ridiculous claim that President Reagan was a regional figure. Ronald Reagan was a popular President with broad support in every region of the country including Hudson County. We encourage Mr. Bredin to embrace reality.

The Republicans of Hoboken

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