Improvements in U.C. from Stack and his administration

Dear Editor:
I am writing this letter in support of my Mayor Brian Stack and his administration.
I have been a resident of Union City for the past 30 years, and can honestly say the past 10 years have been the best for Union City since Brian became our Mayor. The quality of life has improved a great deal. Here are some examples of what I mean by the improvement of the quality of life:
– There has been a tremendous advancement in the school system. More schools are built with state of the art equipment, especially the new Union City High School which is our greatest pride.
-More recreational facilities have been built for our children, i.e. cleaner parks.
-The newly built pool on Palisades Avenue is truly one of a kind and so advanced in its architecture, that it was featured in top newspapers and was given a prestigious award for its design, an award generally reserved for the elite engineering designs in New York City. The pool is available for all Union City residents at no charge, which is a great relief for all parents, especially given this poor economy.
-The streets have never looked more cleaner, organized and safer than now. With the installation of the new islands in the streets, not only are they pleasing to the eye, they serve a very important function, by forcing people to cross at the cross walk and not in between which in the past has been known to cause many fatalities.
We are very fortunate to have Brian Stack and his team in Union City. Brian works very hard for the people of Union City and he as well as his team have always put the people before politics. Accessibility is one of Brian Stack’s greatest attributes. He is the only leader known to date who gives out his personal cell phone number to all of the residents of Union City, and the only leader who will, himself, actually call each and every single person back, when they leave a message. He takes on each and everyone’s issues and problems as if they were his own, and will never leave issues on the back burner, but will resolve them promptly and efficiently.
Brian truly transcends the meaning of Mayor as he indeed loves and values his job. Brian arrives at his office as early as 7 A.M. and most often does not leave until 10 P.M. or later while in other cities in N.J. you often need to wait for weeks to even get an appointment with an elected official.
On Tuesday May 11, I invite you all to vote as follows:
I will be in the great victory party for our most trusted hard working UNION CITY FIRST Team, and hope to see all of you here.

Wafaa Mikhail
Proud citizen of Union City

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