Find (or sell) your treasures at citywide yard sale

Hoboken is planning its first “citywide yard sale” for Saturday, May 15. Any home or building in the city can have a yard sale that day, and if they let the city know, the city will put it on a master list for flyers and a map that will be distributed throughout town. This way, buyers know where to stop and shop.
There is a voluntary suggested donation of $10 per household or $25 for a group of households planning one together.
Condo residences must get permission from their homeowner’s association before registering. Everyone must keep their sidewalks safe, and clean up after the sale.
The hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the rain date is Sunday, May 16.
There is a form to fill out to participate, which may be mailed to City Hall. For more information, call the Department of Cultural Affairs at (201) 420-2207 or visit the city website at

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