Denied residential parking permit

Dear Editor:
My husband and I are home-owning, tax-paying, and voting residents of Hoboken. Hoboken is our primary residence. Yet, the city is denying us the right to renew our resident parking permit simply because our car is registered at a secondary property we own on Long Island. This is a complete violation of our rights as citizens. Tax-paying, home-owning or not, as long as your car is registered in NJ and you can prove Hoboken is your residence you can obtain a resident pass.
What right does Hoboken have to tell us where we should register our car? What bearing should that have when determining who gets resident parking stickers if residency can be easily proven? It is absolutely not fair that renters in this town can prove residency when home-owners cannot! What other rights will the city council be taking away in the future? It is easy to see the slippery slope an ordinance like this sits upon. All Hoboken residents should be fearful about what they might be denied in the future…no access to public schools, parks, library, etc. Where will it end?

Jaclyn Sills-Dellegrazie

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