Report: Possible case of mistaken ID with Union City police

UNION CITY – An on-line news source is reporting that a source told them that an 18-year-old man “was jogging when he was [allegedly] grabbed by Union City police, pushed to the ground and kneed in the neck in an apparent case of mistaken identity, sources close to the incident told Cliffview Pilot. A videotape of at least a portion of the incident apparently exists, and city officials are said to be preparing for a news conference Tuesday to clarify the situation.”
There was no news conference on Tuesday, but the editor of Cliffview Pilot did obtain and look at the videotape for a subsequent report.
The story is being reported here.
The story noted that calls to the Union City Police Department and the mayor’s office had not been returned by press time. Therefore, their take on the alleged incident has not yet been reported.
More details will be posted when they can be confirmed.

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