Madigan has best qualifications

Dear Editor:
We have an opportunity to vote this month for the next group of Hoboken Board of Education members. I’m asking you to please take the time out of your days to think about each candidate, what they offer to our community and then vote for the candidates you believe in.
When looking for a school board member, I look for a candidate who understands that their job as a school board member is to be an advocate for our school children and have the children’s best interest at heart. I would like a member to possess knowledge of the school system – what is has to offer our children and where are our school can do better. When presented with an issue, I want each board member to ask “Is this in the best interest of our school children?” I would also like to have a school board member that knows how important activities are to the education and development of self confidence in our children, whether it be theater arts, art, science, sports or music.
When evaluating the current slate of candidates, I find that John Madigan possess what I find most important in a school board candidate, Mr. Madigan has two children who participated in the Hoboken public school system, so he understands what is working and where improvement is needed. Mr. Madigan has working knowledge of the schools and has taken the time to participate in our municipal little league and soccer programs. He understands our children and how important activities are to their self confidence. He knows, as a parent and as a business person, how important technology with Stevens Institute of Technology, one of the best schools in the country, which can provide numerous benefits for our school children.
As a mother of two young boys, I have a vested interest in this election. As a member of our community and a neighbor, I ask again that you take the time to learn about the candidates and decide for yourself who will be the best Advocate for all of our children. I am voting for John Madigan and I know when you learn about John Madigan you will too!

Stephanie DeTrizio

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