Hoboken community member weighs in on ‘Item 39’

HOBOKEN — As noted below, some members of the Hoboken community are frustrated about a proposal that would cut the number of times the public could speak at council meetings, and may allow meetings to end without the public being heard at all.
Recent council meetings have extended into the wee hours, a reason that the council feels perhaps public speaking could be limited. However, years ago, the council used to hold a caucus meeting on Mondays (during which the public couldn’t comment) and then the regular meeting on Wednesdays. Towns like Jersey City still have a caucus ahead of the regular meeting, to explain and understand certain ordinances before the regular meeting.
The Hoboken council combined the meetings under the Russo administration to save time.
What do you think about tonight’s proposal to limit public speaking at the regular council meetings?
Resident John Keim writes:

Dear Council Members,
I cannot make tonight’s council meeting but there is one item on the agenda that I feel passionately about.
Please vote no on item 39 which would limit the public’s ability to ask the council what it is doing. This issue is very similar to the filibuster issue at the Senate level; the faction in control of the governing body would stifle not only dissent but debate. Before you vote to do this sit back and contemplate the ramifications of a “yes” vote; not just to shorten the meetings now but to prevent legitimate input from the public in the future.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
John Stevens Keim

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