What I like about Dr. Romano

Dear Editor:
I am writing as a new Board member to say I was honored to be involved in the recent Superintendent search. It was a fair and thorough search that led to Dr. Frank Romano, an experienced leader and experienced administrator.
The NJ School Board Assoc. led the search (they handle more than 60 percent of the searches in NJ). The NJSBA worked with the full Board to create an ad listing their stated criteria for a new Superintendent. The agreed upon posting was sent to universities, professional associations and websites across the country as well as in the Star Ledger. Thirty five applications were requested and twenty one full application packets were submitted, which included resumes, essays on a variety of topics, examples of work and administrative dealings and reference lists. The NJSBA also reached out to teachers, administrators and the public through focus groups and open meetings.
My fellow Board members and I worked diligently exploring all the candidates and weighing all the information in the packets. When the top two candidates were chosen, full reference checks were completed. I personally made many of the reference calls (some of whom were not on the original list). I also interviewed many people face to face.
What did I like about Dr. Romano? First were the “things on paper”. Dr. Romano has over 18 years of public school experience, with over eight years administrative experience, a Doctorate in Education and all necessary Certifications. His resume shows particular experience in Curriculum, Technology, Special Education and Community Outreach. In subsequent reference checks and interviews I got a sense of a man who is incredibly dedicated to public education and who is willing to make any and all decisions as long as they benefit the students.
One common thread among almost all I spoke to was that he is a very collaberative man. Although very data driven, his style is to bring everyone to the table. There are no “sides” only one common goal of moving the District forward. He is known to create many committees that include teachers, administrators, parents, custodians, community leaders and/or students. All interviewed declared his follow through on issues evolving out of these committees as “amazing”.
On a personal note, two things that struck me on a visceral level. One, in his extensive research prior to the first interview with the Board, Dr. Romano noticed the disparity among our schools. He indicated that it would be his desire to run a “school system, not a system of schools”. I have always felt this was an important issue requiring greater attention. Another was his interest in Hoboken High School, which he called the “jewel in the crown”.
I am very proud of my participation in this process. I believe Dr. Romano will be a wonderful asset to the Hoboken Public School District and I hope the community will welcome him and work with him to benefit all the children!

Irene Sobolov

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