Long time resident’s parking complaint is appalling

Dear Editor:
On behalf of other Hoboken long time residents who attempt daily to comply with our city’s sometimes confusing and difficult parking and motor vehicle regulations, I am appalled that “A long-time RESIDENT, who’s had enough” [The Hoboken Reporter, Feb. 14] finds it quite legitimate to register his car in another state and is upset that he cannot have his cake and eat it too by obtaining a resident parking sticker. Perhaps the writer is unaware that by technically garaging his car in Hoboken “usually not more than a few months [my emphasis] a year” (!) “in order to save money on car insurance” he is not only condoning insurance fraud and possibly skirting New Jersey motor vehicle registration law, but also acting in a morally offensive manner with respect to the vast majority of Hoboken and other New Jersey residents who have gritted our collective teeth and paid our semiannual car insurance bill no matter how distasteful, and thus for many years have been effectively subsidizing his car insurance costs.

Yours truly,

Spencer Gelband

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