Dangerous crosswalk

Dear Editor:
Over the past several months, on the corner of Fulton Streets and Boulevard East, the traffic has become extremely dangerous for pedestrians. Many cars and buses go through the red lights at rapid speed continuously. Many of us coming home at rush hour nearly get killed trying to cross the street. Oncoming traffic from Fulton Street making the left had turn onto the Boulevard nearly knock people over. It just doesn’t stop. When it’s dark, it’s even worse. The buses barrel through the red lights as if they are entitled.
As a suggestion, perhaps an unmarked traffic cop can record the speed of these vehicles and issue traffic tickets.
Also, the amount of cars parked in the crosswalks on Fulton Street, Boulevard East, and Cooper Place, especially in front of the Swaminarian Temple, keep increasing without any penalty. If someone is in a wheelchair, they cannot cross any of these streets. If a Fire Truck tries to make the turn from Cooper Place onto Louisa Place, it’s impossible. On a Saturday morning alone, many tickets could be issued around our neighborhood. We need more Police presence in this area. People are out of control. There’s no thought for the next guy.
Thank you for any help.

Susan Scherman

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