“Willie Wolfe”

Dear Editor:
Having started my career with the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office in the early 1970’s I had the honor of serving under Sheriff William J. Wolfe. Sheriff Wolfe was and will always be remembered as a kind and caring human being and I was involved with many of the projects that he conducted for the youngsters and seniors of the Hudson County community.
When William J. Wolfe, or affectionately “Willie Wolfe”, passed in 2006 there was a great loss to the State, County and the City of Jersey City. We always appreciated Willie’s efforts for over fifty years with all of our residents and we witnessed Willie even from his hospital bed in April, 2006 assist with the opening of the Little League season in Washington Park.
Since Willie’s passing our Hudson County Chief of Staff and Heights Councilmember William A. Gaughan with the committee of friends have kept the tradition alive both with the Little League volunteers and at the holiday party for the children. Further, Bill Gaughan spearheaded a drive with others to see to it that the auditorium at the Charles Trefurt School- PS #8 was named in honor of the late and great Willie Wolfe. This year many children were again treated to the holiday party and gifts and the ceremony included the Wolfe family at the formal naming of the “William J. Wolfe Auditorium”. All of the people commend Bill Gaughan for keeping Willie’s memory alive and always keeping his legacy in real life help for the children.
I am proud to serve under our current Sheriff Juan M. Perez and will never forget the first Sheriff that I commenced my career with, Sheriff William J. Wolfe.

Chief John Bartucci
Hudson County Sheriff’s Office

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