Hoboken bike problems

Dear Editor:
The terror of the two wheelers continues.
As previously reported, bikers coming up one way streets, up on the sidewalks, a danger to senior citizens, mothers and children.
You’ve heard of the young lady on a bike, on a cell phone, on the Washington Street sidewalk – oops! I just bonked into some guy.
Ok, I now propose that all bikers wear gloves, as of our last cold day, a biker riding on the sidewalk with one hand in his jacket, keeping his hand warm, and the other hand on the bike handle, shouting out, watch It – no brakes.
Then the biker-dogwalker, again on Washington St sidewalk, bike driver against store front, but a dog on a long length lease stretching out to curb- watch it! Regulate or Terminate Bikes.

J. O’Brien

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