Our Christmas angel Dorothy

To the Editor:
To our Christmas angel Dorothy:
On Dec. 13 we went to McDonalds for breakfast. We are a family of six and it was our second youngest child’s birthday. We were enjoying ourselves and you were gracious enough to compliment our children and us, as parents. The compliment would have been enough, but you chose to exemplify the Christmas spirit. The spirit of giving without concern for accolades or recognition.
You left and we passed again on Broadway. Excitedly you gave us a card, inside was a heartfelt note. Again, that would have been enough. However to our surprise and delight you enclosed a generous gift. What a beautiful gesture from a complete stranger! The true meaning of the season.
Thank you on more levels than we can express. Thank you for your generosity and the wonderful example you set for my children and myself. You are a shining star.
God bless and happy holidays.


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