To the BPU

Dear Editor:
I write to voice my vehement opposition to the recent proposal by PSE&G which would impose a 2.2 percent increase in electric rates and a 3.4 percent increase in gas rates, causing approximate jumps in yearly costs for households of $54 and $77, respectively.
I am dismayed to learn that utility hikes may be instituted at a time when so many of our residents are suffering as a result of the downtrodden economy. My office continues to receive numerous calls from local residents who are struggling to pay their utility bills. It is my contention that consideration of a hike in utility costs at the present time would not take into account the current economic climate and will inflict severe economic hardship on residents of our State.
Furthermore, government should be focusing on how to reduce costs for residents who are suffering during these difficult times. Utility costs are absolute necessities that families must maintain in order to maintain a decent quality of life. While I am sympathetic to the notion of rising costs at PSE&G, it is important to trim operating budgets instead of transferring such a burden to customers.
It is my hope that the Commissioners of the Board of Public Utilities recognize the severity of an increase and take action to defeat such a measure.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Brian P. Stack
State Senator

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