Readers respond to First Amendment debate

Were UC political flyers forgery, or just satire?

Two weeks ago, Union City police arrested six people, including the former principal of Emerson High School, for allegedly distributing a flyer that was made to look like a letter from Mayor Brian Stack. The individuals were held in jail for six hours, according to one of those arrested.
They were brought to police headquarters the night of Friday, Dec. 4 after police received a copy of the flyer that the group was allegedly distributing in the parking lot of a Union City bank.
According to the police, the six who were arrested were charged with forgery, falsifying records, harassment, and violation of the city’s ordinance against distribution of flyers.


“How much money and police resources were used and wasted in this matter?” – Reader comment

Police said they were processed and received summonses.
Police said the flyer, which was in Spanish and English, contained a photo of Stack and a signature similar to his. The flyer also contained Stack’s office and cell phone numbers.
According to police, “The letter was defamatory and apparently designed to destroy the mayor’s reputation. The letter referenced both the mayor’s official and private life.”

Schools superintendent was among those arrested

Included in the group of those arrested was Superintendent of Little Ferry Schools Frank Scarafile, who is also a former principal at Emerson High School in Union City.
Others arrested were Justo Delgado, Armando J. Hernandez, and Carlos Lopez, all of Union City; Emilio Lopez of West New York, and 20-year old Joamelly Arteaga of Union City.
Scarafile said two weeks ago that from what he knew, he was only charged with violating a city ordinance about distributing flyers.
Scarafile said he was held for approximately six hours, “from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m.,” he said.
An anonymous caller contacted the Reporter and said the flyer was done to mock the letters that Stack has sent to residents, heralding his achievements, and was tongue-in-cheek. He complained that the arrests were meant to stifle critics’ freedom of speech.

Court date

On Wednesday, Scarafile went to the county court house in Jersey City to respond to the charges. He said the county prosecutor will now have to determine how to move forward regarding the criminal allegations. The city ordinance regarding passing out flyers will be heard in Union City Municipal Court after the criminal charges have been dealt with, said Scarafile.
“Until the prosecutor decides where they are going – they are going to send them to a grand jury or go back into municipal court – we’re at the mercy of the court or prosecutor’s office,” Scarafile said.

Readers respond

When the story was posted this past weekend on the Reporter’s website,, several community members left comments.
Someone calling himself CraigofTRUTH said, “Superintendent of Little Ferry Schools Frank Scarafile should lose his job. He is supposed to set an example for the children of the school district and not out distributing [allegedly] forged documents.”
That person also inaccurately implied that Scarafile was distributing flyers during the day instead of working, but in fact, the flyers were distributed on a Friday night.
A reader calling him or herself “NotYourSteppingStone” responded: “Sounds like typical Hudson County politics to me. So the lawsuit and counter suit begins. Can’t we all just get along? And in the end the taxpayer picks up the tab!”
PacoLoco had this to say: “The day the laughter died. Wikipedia: ‘Political satire is a significant part of satire that specializes in gaining entertainment from politics; it has also been used with subversive intent where political speech and dissent are forbidden by a regime, as a method of advancing political arguments where such arguments are expressly forbidden.’ Sounds a little like the regime of Brian Stack. I believe he would feel right at home along side Raul in Havana.”
But CraigofTRUTH replied with a Wikipedia definition for forgery: “PACOLOCO, you missed the point entirely. If I wrote a letter on your letter head and signed your name to the bottom it is forgery not satire.”
A person called UnionCity Citizen wrote: “We need a superintended like Frank Scarafile in Union City or as a mayor. This man is the perfect role model for our children. Why hasn’t the letter been published, for the people to read???”
PattyCat wrote, “How much money and police resources were used and wasted in this matter? Would the people of Union City rather have our police department keeping the streets safe by going after real criminals or have our officers surveil and investigate people handing out political flyers?”
For more comments or to leave your own, go to and scroll down to “Union City news” or “Most Commented stories.”
Melissa Rappaport may be reached at

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