“Unpardonable Pride”

Dear Editor:

Having been involved for a number of years in Hudson County government, the county, state and the City of Bayonne has lost a true statesman, leader and most importantly a sincere gentleman with the passing of Mayor Dennis P. Collins.

This writer had the honor and privilege of being a member of the New Frontier Democrats under the leadership of Mayor Collins and interacted with the Mayor on many matters involving both government and political ventures. When Mayor Collins described the City of Bayonne and the County of Hudson he would always use the phrase, “with unpardonable pride” and his face with shine with the reflection of such feelings for the city and county. He served with honor and integrity in every elected or appointed position and was respected in all areas. Having lunch with the Mayor prior to his taking ill, we were in a small eatery in Bayonne and a line of people approached him, addressing him as Mayor and he knew their names and would ask about family members citing individual memories of each in their families.

The experiences gleaned from Mayor Dennis P. Collins will never be forgotten and Mayor, it is with “unpardonable pride” that I had the opportunity to know and respect you.


Robert B. Knapp

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