Not the way to encourage active participation

Dear Editor:
We are three parents of children at Union City’s Woodrow Wilson School, a public school we cherish for its nationally recognized arts-focused curriculum and first-rate administration and staff.
On November 19 we attempted to attend the public meeting of the Union City Board of Education to get an update on the recently begun construction of our new school and the board’s plans for our program when it moves to the new location.
Unfortunately, none of us were able to participate in the meeting because when we called earlier in the day to confirm the 5 p.m. start time listed on the board’s official Web site, we were told the meeting would indeed start at 5 p.m. The meeting, however, actually started at 3 p.m. and was over and done with by 5 when we arrived.
Were this an isolated mistake it would not be a serious matter, but each of us has had the same experience many times in the past; being given inaccurate information as to the start time of regular Union City Board of Education meetings. In addition, holding school board meetings at 3 p.m. is not the way to encourage active participation on the part of those most concerned with the education of our children: parents. Working parents cannot attend, and stay-at-home parents are picking up their kids from school at that hour.
We presented this issue to Mr. Stanley Sanger, the school Superintendent, explaining how important it was to have a public meeting where concerns are expressed and minutes are taken as a matter of public record. He in turn promised that these meetings will be well publicized and clearly stated and held a convenient time for the public to attend.
We applaud this step taken by the Superintendent as well as the support of Mayor Stack to take action to prevent miscommunication from happening again in the future.

Peter Borten
Melissa Mutch
Elizabeth Weiss

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