Thanks to the staff at Hoboken High School

Dear Editor:
As a long time Hoboken resident and father of three Hoboken Public Schools children, it was my pleasure to participate in the Hoboken College/Career Fair held on Tuesday, October 20. I represented my college as an alumnus and admissions office representative, which I have been doing at area high schools for over twenty years. The event was well-planned and organized, and was a benefit to all the participants. Students were grouped by class (sophomores, juniors and seniors) during assigned periods, so the representatives could inform students by age about preparing for life after college. Teachers and guidance counselors helped direct their students to certain schools. It was apparent that the staff is very involved with their students’ abilities and potential. In particular, students asked good questions about courses of study, financial aid, extra-curricular activities and career preparation. Every detail for the representatives was well provided. As hard as it is to believe, parking was a breeze (I won’t give away their secret!); polite students helped carry boxes from the car to the gym; breakfast was available; school statistic and data sheets were distributed; and the good-natured congeniality was noticed by all school representatives. In particular, each student wore a name tag, which made interaction much more personable. Principal Lorraine Cella, Jessica Vega, and the guidance counselors – Evalee Batistich, Mary Pat Carroll and David White – in particular made the event a success by circulating throughout the gym during the entire 2 ½ hour event. Hoboken’s youth are well-served by events like this and thanks to the entire staff at Hoboken High School for making it so smooth and simple.

Ken Howitt

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