Watch tonight’s Hoboken council meeting here; 4th Ward election to come

HOBOKEN — The day after a spirited mayoral election in Hoboken, the City Council will meet at 7 p.m. in City Hall tonight. You can watch the meeting (and the possible election fallout) by clicking HERE.

Since new mayor Dawn Zimmer doesn’t take over until Jan. 1, she’ll still be serving as council president and acting mayor.
Once she takes over as new mayor in January, she has to temporarily appoint someone to the 4th Ward council seat to take her place until a special election can be held. That may be a raucous election of its own, seeing what happened last time in the 4th Ward.
Who will run? Jake Stuiver? Mike Lenz? Others?
That said, tonight’s meeting will be a chance to see if the loyal opposition/watchdogs of Zimmer change their tune, or still fire barbs at her. That particularly goes for campaign opponent Councilwoman Beth Mason, as well as Mason’s ardent supporter, citizen Lane Bajardi. Bajardi often speaks up during the public portion of the meeting and criticizes Zimmer’s leadership. See video link.

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