Please vote for Dawn Zimmer for Mayor on Tuesday, Nov. 3

Dear Editor:
I have been active in Hoboken public life for many years: as a private citizen fighting for open space, as a city council woman advancing reform and as a mayoral candidate against David Roberts in 2005. I’m writing at this time to say that I’m more hopeful about the future of Hoboken now than I have been in a long, long time. And Dawn Zimmer is a big part of that.
For years, Hoboken’s leaders looked at our problems – piers falling in, grants being ignored until they expired, unplanned development, and a budget run amok – and did nothing. They knew the problems were there. You probably even heard them talk about them in their campaigns. Yet they were too distracted by pettiness and influence peddlers to actually do something.
Dawn is a different type of leader, one who worked her way up by being fiercely independent, inspiring others to join her and then working – often late into the night – to make those changes happen. She has built a coalition of citizens who are determined to reform city government – not people just talking about reform; but people who have the dedication and skills to actually solve our problems. The old way of Hoboken politics can be over, if we want it to be. We now have the leader whose priorities are in the right place.
Please vote for Dawn Zimmer for Mayor on Tuesday, Nov 3.

Carol Marsh

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