Pee Wee and Junior Pee Wee Football

Dear Editor:
I had the opportunity and pleasure to visit with the Jersey City Recreation Department’s Pee Wee and Junior Pee Wee Football Teams at Cochrane Stadium in Caven Point and view first hand the vigor and exhibits of teamwork by these young children playing the game of football. I must commend Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy, Recreation Director Joseph Macchi and most importantly all of the coaches, assistants and parent volunteers who contribute their time and effort to assist the children.
As your Sheriff and a law enforcement officer for many years it is heartening to witness the young children involved in sports activities which in this day and age are so very important in developing strong bodies, minds and engagement in positive after school and weekend sports. When we were growing up we found it necessary to play sports on our own and wherever we could locate playing areas. What I find so paramount is that these young boys and girls are involved in diverting their energies in a positive constructive manner and in this way the sports participation will assist them in staying away from the negatives in our society today, drugs, gangs and other incidents of violence.
To all the players in the Pee Wee and Junior Pee Wee Football teams and to all of the coaching staffs and parents keep up the good work and remember win, lose or draw the important attribute is that you are positively involved.

Respectfully submitted,
Juan M. Perez
Sheriff of Hudson County


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