Mason will put Hoboken back on track

Dear Editor:
Yes, it’s election time again in Hoboken. Why am I running? Because for far too long, well before the unfortunate events of this summer, Hoboken has been on the wrong track, and I believe now is finally the time for all of us to work together to fix our problems.
I have been a hard worker for all of my life, starting when my parents divorced and I got a job at age 15 to help bring money into the house and put food on the table. Later, I found success in school and in the corporate world in Manhattan, and then the joy of raising two daughters right here in Hoboken. Over the years, I grew to love this town, and I went on to serve it, most recently as Second Ward Councilwoman. When our new mayor resigned and a special election was called for November 3rd, I could not turn my back on my city. So, I decided to run.
And it’s been quite an experience. I have been out there every day meeting you, the Hoboken residents, and listening to your issues – what bothers you the most, what interests you the most, what excites you the most, about Hoboken. We live in a diverse town, with people from all walks of life and all income levels, and therefore all sorts of views and concerns. But despite our differences, I heard the same theme over and over again: we need to get our city back on track.
And why would I be the best person to do that as Mayor? Well, three reasons. First, I have been a reformer for a long time, and have shown it not just with words, but with action. I co-founded Hoboken’s People for Open Government, was president of our statewide Foundation for Open Government, and used my own funds to litigate against City Hall and open up its records. As a member of the Planning Board, I worked hard on Hoboken’s master plan, so that we could have a blueprint for smart growth, and not rampant overbuilding that hurts our quality of life. As a Councilwoman, I have voted against every tax increase that has come across my desk.
Second, as a senior executive in the corporate world, I managed large budgets and worked with successful companies as well as those in distress, which I believe makes me well-suited to take on Hoboken’s problems and lead us to a brighter future. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I believe in rolling up my sleeves and getting to work. To me, that’s the kind of Mayor we need, right away. To read more about my Plan to get Hoboken back on the right track, please visit my website,
But I can’t do it alone. On Tuesday, November 3rd, you can help me to fix Hoboken by voting for me, Beth Mason, so that I can work hard as Mayor for real reform, lower taxes and people first.


Beth Mason

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