Hoboken letters overflowing

HOBOKEN–In the last weekend before Hoboken’s Nov. 3 mayoral election, our in-box was overflowing with letters. We had already set aside three pages for the letters, but we ended up getting even more!! For those letters that didn’t make it into print, we tried to get them onto the internet (as long as they were under 500 words, followed our rule of no attacks in the last weekend before the election, and we could confirm the author in time.)
So if you want to see more letters, click on www.hudsonreporter.com, go up to “opinion,” and click on “letters” starting Monday. Some still have to be added. You can post followup comments or your own letters as comments if you wish! (To submit your own letter, email it as a Word attachment to editorial@hudsonreporter.com. You must include your name, address and phone number on what’s attached.)
Watch this space on Tuesday night for the election results!

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