Turn clocks back for Eastern Standard Time (EST) Sunday morning

HUDSON COUNTY — Daylight Saving Time, also known in our region as Eastern Daylight Time, ends this coming Sunday, Nov. 1, 2009, at 2 a.m. That means that at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, you turn your clocks back so that it is 1 a.m. again (“Fall back,” remember?).
That means we’ll be back to Standard Time or Eastern Standard Time. That also means you get an extra whole hour!!
What are you going to do with your hour? Any suggestions? You can certainly click HERE
to read the newest articles about Hudson County, N.J., in the Hudson Reporter newspapers.
The change used to occur the last Sunday in October, but it was switched to the first Sunday in November starting in 2007 by the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
The change is meant to allow for more daylight hours in order to conserve energy. It is observed in most states, and in Europe as well.
EST will remain in effect here on the East Coast until we return to Eastern Daylight Time, or Daylight Saving Time, on the second Sunday in March, 2010 at 2 a.m.
(Interestingly, parts of Florida, Kentucky, Michigan, Illinois, and Tennessee will return to EST like we do in New Jersey, with the other parts of those states returning to Central Standard Time!)
So if you are going to a Halloween party the night of Oct. 31, and it extends into the wee hours, you may be getting an extra hour to par-tay! How spooky is that?

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