Willing to tell any lie

Dear Editor:
Beth Mason must want to be the Mayor of Hoboken very badly. So badly, that she’s willing to tell any lie and spend every dollar to make it happen. Beth Mason would have you believe that Dawn Zimmer is holding two jobs illegally. This is an outright LIE. If both positions were elected positions, that might make some sense. Considering that Zimmer had the temporary Acting Mayor position thrust upon her, should she really be required to give up the council seat she was elected to? No. And you can bet your bottom dollar that Beth wouldn’t have done it either, had the situations been reversed. So, instead of hearing any real issues from the Mason camp, we get 4-color flyers filling our mailboxes with lies. I guess its standard procedure in politics to attack your opponents about anything when you don’t have anything of substance to say. Beth Mason had her shot to be Mayor earlier this year, and came in a distant third. Hoboken has already decided she’s not the best person for the job. But when will Beth “Me First” Mason take the hint?

Greg Lincoln

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