Shame on Beth Mason for trying to buy the mayor’s seat

Dear Editor:
I am convinced that Beth Mason is using her deep pockets to try and buy herself the Mayor’s seat. Multiple full page ads in The Reporter; commercials on cable TV stations; much printed matter in my mailbox, etc. I hope the Mayor’s job does not go to the highest bidder!
I will be out of the town on Election Day. This week, I received a letter from Beth Mason that began with my name (“Dear…”) and read, “I understand that you have submitted an application to Vote by Mail…” It went on to thank me for voting and continued with another “commercial” for Beth. I was so appalled that I was prompted to write this letter. Call me naive, but I did not realize that candidates could access the names and addresses of people who applied for Absentee Ballots. (I thought their tactics were to get people who otherwise would not or could not vote, to send in Absentee Ballots. Wasn’t that what got Peter Cammarano elected?)
I have watched the Council hearings on a few occasions on the Public Access cable station. I am disturbed by Beth’s actions at these hearings. There is an obvious collaboration among Beth, Michael Russo, and Theresa Castellano, with the goal of obstructing Dawn Zimmer. I am certain that they are not acting in the best interests of the City – only in the best interests of their own political futures. Beth has allied herself with people who were part of the problem, not people who can be part of the solution. Shame on you, Beth! And kudos to Dawn Zimmer for keeping her cool and getting the job done despite the obstructionists.
I used to be a big fan of Beth. I was all in favor of reforming our City and she was leading the parade for reform. I no longer see her that way. She had the opportunity to work with Dawn and get us moving toward more ethical and efficient government. I now see her only as someone who would do almost anything to get the job for herself. Her campaign treasury did not buy her the Mayor’s office last time, and I am hoping the voters will see past her tactics once again. I am not signing my name to this letter and am hoping the candidates do not have access to the names of the letter writers! Please know that I am not part of anyone’s campaign – just an observer and a voter.


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