Thanks for a successful Mitzvah Day 2009

Dear Editor:
Thanks to everyone who participated in the United Synagogue of Hoboken’s Mitzvah Day 2009 for helping make it an extraordinary success. In all, we turned out close to 100 volunteers throughout the day to work on 10 different service projects.
A great many people worked very hard to make this outstanding event come together, and I’m going to refrain from naming people specifically for fear of inevitably leaving out some key player by mistake. It’s important to note, however, that this year’s centerpiece activity – a health, nutrition and fitness fair geared toward children in the Hoboken Housing Authority – could not have happened without the support of a cross-section of organizations, including synagogue and Housing Authority leadership and staff, other clergy and community leaders, city officials, Police Department representatives and members of various other community organizations, who all came together in a wonderful, effective coalition.
This group of people’s generous contributions of time, money, food, bicycles and other items provided for a fun and eventful day for about 60 children, 10 of whom won bikes in a raffle and obstacle-course contest.
The most important thing I’d like to emphasize is that the idea behind Mizvah Day is not to get volunteers out to “do their good deed for the year” but to help pair people up with community activities they find fun and fulfilling, so they can keep volunteering on a regular basis. The health fair was the kickoff of an ongoing program I’m organizing that will have about an event a month for the next six to eight months. Helping people is not a one-day thing, it is an ongoing commitment, and the team that organized Mitzvah Day is already starting to plan for our next events, and I am laying the groundwork for next month’s Housing Authority health and nutrition activity. Stay tuned!
Once again, thanks so very much to everyone who contributed to this in any way – your involvement, large or small, made a huge impact, and is greatly appreciated.

Jake Stuiver

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