
Question: In high school baseball and softball, batter hits ground ball to shortstop, who throws to first base person, who stretches for throw. Throw beats the batter-runner, but ball is dropped as first base person tries to regain balance after stretching for throw. Catch? Safe/out?
Answer: Legal catch involves possession, control and voluntary release. In this case, the ball dropping due to loss of balance is considered part of initial action of the catch; fielder did not come up with ball at end of catch; hence, no catch. Runner is safe. (BB- Rule 2-9-1; (SB- Rule 2, Sec. 9, Art. 1-5)
Question: Batter hits fly ball to center fielder, who catches ball in glove but ball drops from hand when he/she starts to throw to infield. Catch?
Answer: Legal catch is ruled if ump judges that drop happened after fielder voluntarily removed ball from glove. Catch was initial action, but drop due to transfer to hand or actual throw is ruled a separate secondary action. (BB & SB same rules as above)


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