Police Beat

Compiled by Timothy J. Carroll 9/6/09

Pizza guy’s BMW snatched

A delivery man from an Italian restaurant left the keys in his BMW while he made a delivery at 12th and Hudson streets. Then, he came back to find the car was gone.
Police were called to the scene on Sunday, Aug. 30 at 7:22 p.m., but were too late to get any leads on where the man’s 2002 black BMW 330 CI had been taken.
The man also had left his wallet with credit cards and his driver’s license in the car.
Police could not confirm whether there were any deliveries left in the car when it was taken.

Thief’s jackpot: $9,200

A burglar made off with $7,000 in cash and $2,200 in goods by breaking into a truck on the 900 block of Bloomfield Street, according to Det. Sgt. Sam Williams.
Officers were contacted by the victim on Thursday, Aug. 27 when he realized his Dodge pick-up truck had been pried open and robbed sometime in the last 24 hours.
The victim noticed his center console was left open and his belongings were scattered on the seat and floor. He told police he saw pry marks on the driver’s side door panel.
He said that two bank envelopes he had in the car for business purposes – one with $4,000 and another with $3,000. Those were taken, along with a $400 pair of Oakley sunglasses, a $900 laptop computer, and a $900 digital camera.
The victim provided proof of the missing cash by using bank statements, police said.
Police currently have no suspects.

‘Last Kiss’ heroin

When a police officer tried to pull over a bike-rider for questioning, a low-speed chase ensued and the man was eventually caught and charged with alleged possession of heroin.
Officer Michael Miranda saw a male he recognized riding a bike along Paterson Plank Road on Wednesday, Sept. 2. Upon further inspection, he noticed that the initials on the back of the bike seat didn’t match the name the man had given police in the past during field questioning.
The suspect, Vincent Calcano, 32, Hoboken, was riding a bicycle with the initials “K.T.” on the back, so Miranda said, “Stop, I need to ask you something,” according to the police report.
Police said Calcano allegedly told Miranda, “I’m not stopping,” then allegedly sped up his pedaling and headed into the oncoming traffic lane.
Miranda followed along parallel to Calcano and saw him trying to reach in his right pants pocket, Williams said.
Calcano headed into a recycling center between Hoboken and Jersey City and other officers arrived on the scene, including a Jersey City detective.
Calcano, according to the report, allegedly jumped off the bike and made his way into a truck loading dock.
Police surrounded the area and asked Calcano to show his hands. When he did, police said, three bags of heroin allegedly flew out and landed on a nearby car.
Police confiscated the bags and Williams said they were labeled “Last Kiss” in red ink.
Calcano told police he found the bike at Third Street and Willow Avenue.
Police said while initialing the bike worked in this instance, they recommend that bike-enthusiasts register their bikes with the Community Policing Bureau.

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