Children and teens win at Hoboken Library summer reading programs

The statewide theme for this year’s library summer reading program for children and teens was “Be Creative,” and the Hoboken Public Library held two vibrant and creative reading clubs.
The Children’s Summer Reading Club, for children entering first through fifth grade, ended on Aug. 20 with 22 young participants reading 348 books during the July and August read-athon. All children who participated celebrated at a pizza party and received book and craft prizes for their summer’s efforts.
The top reader was Henry Anderson, a second grader who read and reported on 60 books. Henry won a $50 Amazon gift certificate for his hard work. The second place winner was third grader Aram Assadourian, who read 43 books. Alison Fung, also in third grade, was the third place winner having read 37 books.
The Young Adult Summer Reading Club, for teens entering sixth through twelfth grade, came to a close on Aug. 27 with 13 teens reading 92 books in total. Participants celebrated at an evening pizza party where they received prizes of books, audio books, and DVD’s of movies based on Young Adult books.
The first place teen reader was eighth grader Kassandra Valle who read 24 books. Her sister, 12th grader Michelle Valle, placed second having read 12 books. The third place winner, sixth grader Christopher Paterno read 10 books and the fourth place winner, seventh grader Anna Huang read 9.
The Teen and Children’s Summer Reading Programs are annual events at the Hoboken Public Library. Reading programs, story times, and teen activities are on recess until Sept. 14 when fall and winter programs begin again.
To learn more about the Hoboken Public Library’s programs for children and teens, call (201) 420-2348, or check the library’s website at

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