Touching a base

Question: In high school baseball and softball, runner on first base; batter hits a long foul fly ball down the left field line that becomes uncaught. Runner from first base has touched second on way to third before ball was dropped. Must runner retouch second on return to first base?
Answer: Because uncaught foul ball is dead, runners are not required to retouch intervening bases. (BB- Rule 8, Sec. 2, Art. 2; SB- Rule 8-3-2.)
Question: Must a runner vacate his/her base when an infielder is making a play to catch a foul fly ball in the infield? Interference? Batter/runner out?
Answer: Unless umpire judges deliberate interference, runner is entitled to remain on the base. (BB- Rule 8, Sec. 2, Art. 8; SB- Rule 8, Sec. 6, Art. 10) (BB- If runner interference is ruled, ball is dead, batter called out. Rule 7-4-1(f). SB- When runner interference is called during foul fly ball, ball is dead; runner is called out with less than two outs, batter remains at bat with a foul ball strike added to count; with two outs, batter credited with a fielder’s choice. Rule 8-6-10(b)).


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