Trying to get blood from a stone is an impossible demand from anyone with intelligence

Dear Editor,

The shameful, embarrassing Healy Administration which is comprised mostly of greedy, reprehensible, unconscionable puppets has decided to raise taxes in Jersey City. This decision was made approximately two months after their re-election and less than one month before the council run off races. At least they allowed themselves a short digestive period, after their inauguration, before passing gas on their constituents.

They wasted no time in mailing the new escalated tax bill, of over eleven per cent, to the bewildered public. While they were seeking another term, everything was great. On Election Day we received in the last quarter bill, which increased taxes so minimally, it was undetected. They assured us that the City was in good financial shape and taxes will remain stable. This of course was a deceitful extension of the truth, after they were sworn into office. We later discovered, unmercifully, that we were duped by the high caliber, highly budgeted re-election war chest of this present leadership, which created an artificial utopian atmosphere. They would do anything for another four years of treachery, untruthfulness and corruption. They formed with cunning molded words, a strong statue of misleading leadership, combined with a deceptive feeling of devotion and trust.

Wouldn’t it be a refreshingly green environment in the election process, if we could at least once, eliminate all the foul pollutants of personal attacks, fictitious achievements, false endorsements ambiguous statements, and fabricated results, together with exaggerated credentials and self worth and lies.

Home and property owners are hurting economically. The proof of this reality is the obvious recognition of increasing, for sale signs, for rent signs, abandoned homes and vacant businesses throughout the City. Even real estate developers and developments which were given fat lucrative abatements are being aversely affected, with lack of sales, forced leasing, compulsory auctions together with requests of renegotiations to the City Council. Default mortgages and foreclosures are a symbol of the times and Jersey City is not vaccinated from this infectious syndrome of communal monetary regressions, especially with the deteriorating urban existence. Delinquent property taxes are approaching dangerous levels. So what’s their solution? Raise taxes so it will enhance additional non-payment. Trying to get blood from a stone is an impossible demand from anyone with intelligence, but if you are a natural born blood sucker, then ignorance replaces logic.

Mayor Healy unsurprisingly blames the low level employees for the dire state of the City’s economy, and follows the failed trend of offering furloughs. Mayor, why not cut some of your non-essential, no show, do nothing, high paying Administrators that your Administration created and increased, which sucks the life out of our monetary resources. Let’s start by eliminating your overwhelming appointments of highly paid indispensable Deputy Mayors.

The final, last ultimate shred of dignity was removed, when one member of the Council, who is under investigation for questionable residency, didn’t have the decency to abstain from voting.

Naturally, Councilman Steven Fulop was the only individual, with decency, who voted against this betrayal.

William P. Frasca
Jersey City, N.J.

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