Lazy and corrupt

To the Editor:
As a World War II Foreign War Vet with 26 months in the South Pacific service, I’m writing this as a request that the “flagstaff” be replaced at the 18th Street and Avenue E Federal Housing Project.
Lazy: The person assigned to that project is too lazy to follow the job description procedure to display our U.S. flag.
Corrupt: The person assigned this project is being unpatriotic and collecting a salary and displaying socialism.
I, as a veteran, would like to see an investigation into this matter. Who to contact I don’t know, but the scum or scums that are responsible for this removal of the flagstaff. If it was removed as a condition to better display our American flag, I apologize. Looking at existing conditions, it doesn’t look like the flag staff will be replaced.
Jersey City, as corrupt as it is, has flags flying on Route 440 using solar lighting. What’s the problem with the Federal Housing Committee in Bayonne?
Our assemblyman Mr. Chiappone, just passed a bill that all flags displayed must be made in U.S. That’s patriotism. By the way, the shortage of space to fly the U.S. flag is at a premium right now.
How much did it cost to remove the flagstaff at 18th Street and avenue E?


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