Jersey City Councilman Steven Fulop announced on Monday that for National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 4, there will be a rally in front of City Hall that he is organizing regarding the recent arrests of political and religious leaders. The night is generally celebrated across the country in order to unite neighbors to band together against crime in their area. But Fulop is adding a new element in the wake of the recent FBI sting.
Here is his announcement:
“Tuesday, August 4th is National Night Out, a day where cities all across the country will bring together their leadership and their citizens to discuss and fight crime. In the past, Jersey City has sponsored individual ward block parties in each neighborhood for National Night Out. This year is different. In light of recent events that have shaken our city to the core, I invite you to save the date of Tuesday, August 4th for a city-wide rally on the steps of City Hall itself.
“The crime inside City Hall must be dealt with the same way as crime on the streets. Let your leaders hear your voice and know how you feel about their deception, their lies, their stealing. We must send a strong message of one city, united in the belief that crime must be stopped wherever it happens. Bring a friend, tell your neighbor, join the Facebook group. For more information on this event and on what I am doing to prevent crime in our city, please visit” – Ricardo Kaulessar